Monday, April 09, 2007

Baseball Road System - April 9, 2007

Today's road system plays - System so far 14-0 (team on roadtrip has won +1 unit)

Again, the goal here is for these teams or totals to win us one unit while one team is on a 6 or more game road trip. Once they win once, we are done betting on them. If they lose, we bet enough to win back our previous bets plus one unit.

With the nature of this system being progressive, there will a time where there is a large unit game to bet, so I strongly suggest setting a side 100-150 units if you are going to play this system.

Reds/Diamondbacks O9 -115 1.15/1
Chicago Cubs -152 1 .52/1
Chicago White Sox +155 64/1
New York Yankees -125 1.25/1
Toronto Bluejays -196 1.96/1
Florida Marlins -115 1.15/1

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