Friday, April 27, 2007

NBA Playoffs Day 7

Was looking like a good night last night and turned south pretty quickly. Suns up 11-0 to start the game only to give it all back and then some, losing by 6.

I was lucky enough to get on the early games, and took Miami and NJ. Obviously I cannot and will not count them in the records, but still shaping up to be a nice night. Only one game left, Warriors at home against the Mavericks.

If everythings follow the NBA playoff script, then I would favor the Warriors to win this game, lose game 4 and 5, win game 6, and lose game 7. But they did what they did and showed up the refs, which is not good. It will be interesting to see if the refs handcuff one of the Warriors key players with a couple of quick fouls in the first quarter. It is going to be hostile there. The Warriors have been good to me all year, and they are going to be fired up and especially motivated to win this one. The refs will keep this one close. I am taking the Warriors +4 and Warriors +164 ML

Last nights NBA plays
(2-2, -.9 units - Playoff record 10-8, +.3 units - NBA record 95-56-2, +52.1 units)
Utah -2 first half - winner
Utah/Houston under 93 first half - winner
Detroit/Orlando over 183 - loser
Suns -180 ML - loser

Highlights from Last nights games

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