Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Back from the pseudo break

Last post was a month ago (which I hit btw) and one post since May 23. Not much of a break for me though, as I was busy as hell. My bankroll has grown nicely though during the break.

I'm a married guy with a 2 year old boy.

My wife is a stay at home mom. I have a 40 hour a week job as an "IT Guy" for a government contracted company. I run the show, and if it has anything to do with a computer or networking, I'm the guy. I make enough that the wife can stay home with Nate, which is what she really wants. I want to work independently, be my own boss, and I have been doing sidework for the last few years now. I have a number that I want to have saved up to do this, and I am getting closer.

In addition to my 9-5 'er, over the last month and a half:

I had about 5 or 6 side computer jobs during that time, where I made about 5k. I also started playing around with some PC remote control software, and made another 1k fixing computers remotely.

I bought about 80 PlayStation Portable Lumines games and have been selling them online. If you did not know, you can downgrade your PSP again, but you must run Lumines to exploit the system. If you want more info, email me or write a comment. And if you are looking for a copy, I still have a few new and used copies. After all is said and done, I expect 2k profit from this.

I sold 1 link on one of my sites for 1300. Total sold links ~$25oo for the month and a half. I made $60 bucks from amazon, 50 from adsense, a few other as well.

On the gambling side, I ran decent at Poker Stars SNG's, and I was profitable with my baseball picks. So the bankroll is primed and ready for the football season, and for the second half of the baseball season.

Sorry for the long brag post. This is as close to the dream I have been, and I am pretty excited. I am ready to start posting picks again, and will be starting back up on Thursday. All picks will be free for now. I have some very good resources that I will share over the next few days.

Go American League!

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