Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My re-re-reimergence

Inspired by a comment left here last night, I have decided to come back and post my picks.

Cavs +1.5 - 1 unit

San Antonio / Cleveland UNDER 179.5 - 3 units

Love the under play here. This game may easily end up in the 150-160's. Ugly ugly basketball. The Spurs ran it up and down the court in game 2. They will not do that again tonight. Expect a lot of "run the clock down to 4 seconds" plays by both teams. Cleveland cannot run up and down the court.

Cleveland looks like crap, they are crappy and will be for some time now. This is the deal though. I cannot tell you how many times though that the home team wins game 3 in this spot. Oh wait, I have the internet and I can look it up and tell you.

All time NBA Final History, 19 times a team has gone down 0-2 on the road, and 15 of them came home to win game 3. Since the 2-3-2 format, 10 times a team has gone down 0-2 on the road, and 7 of them came home to win game 3 at home. 7 out of 10, 15 out of 19.

Remember game 3 of the Jazz/Spurs. First two games the Spurs dominated, then game 3 they lost by 26 on the road. Cleveland was down 0-2 coming back from Detroit and won game 3. If I remember correctly, in both cases the lines were verrrrry similar to this, with the home team being a slight dog.

Lebron got two quick fouls early in game 2, so expect something similar to happen tonight to the Spurs. Lebron will probably score 30-40 tonight, with nearly half of them coming at the line. The NBA wants to showcase him, they want this series to go as long as possible.

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