Friday, July 20, 2007

Crazy Dodger/Mets game

Well I got home around 11:15 and flip on I have the MLB premium package using the internet, and it is pretty sweet let me tell you. 6 games at one time, switch audio between them, crystal clear picture, streams flawlessly, have condensed games (show only 3rd strike, 4th ball, or ball in play), etc. Take a look to see 9-6 Mets, and 1-0 Padres. Both games started at the same time. The Dodgers /Mets were in the top of the 4th, while the Padres were in the bottom of the 6th. When the Dodgers game got to the 6th, the Padre game was over.

I didn't realize I was going to be watching a softball game, but that is what it turned out to be. It was supposed to be Lowe vs Glavine in a dual, but neither guy made it past the 3rd. 35 hits, the Dodgers with 19 of them, and they lose by 4. The Dodgers left at least one runner on every single inning. They left 13 on base for the game. Every time they scored the Mets answered, and they still had numerous chances to get back in the game, every inning. Very entertaining game, but frustrating as hell at the same time. The game ended at about 2AM EST.

Not as frustrating as it must have been to be Rudy Seanez though. This guy must be in the doghouse or something. He threw about 35 pitches in a game 2 days ago, and 30 last night. Dodgers got hammered in another 30 hit game 2 nights back against Philadelphia, so the bullpen was pretty much toast. So here they are 2 nights later, and they bring in Seanez for the third straight night, and he gives up 2 bombs in one inning. I felt bad for the dude.

So, my worst night in a while, going 2-3-1, but still won $22. Whee!

Couple of nice looking screenshots here

This week baseball betting:

Last Week betting on baseball:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great site!
i’m looking forward to read some more…